Many of you have requested to see more photos related to Berlin's Nightlife. I figured that I should just do an extra post in order to share! :)
This was from one of my first nights in Berlin. I was at a bar (Molotow Cocktail) with some friends from program. As many of you know, people in Europe tend to stay out much later than we do in the states. We were at this bar during happy hour and it was already 1am! We ended up passing it again on our way home at around 5am, and there were lines of people out the door.
The manager requested to take a photo of us for her to use on the bar's website!
We have been going out and trying new bars and clubs during the weekends. All of my classes are full of Americans, so going out has been a great way to meet locals our age. It seems as though all Berliners ages 20-25 are all out at the same time enjoying themselves as well.
Apparently Ping Pong is incredibly popular here in Berlin- they even have several bars dedicated to the sport! I played a several games of Around the World and even made it to the Semifinals! :) Above is an action shot.
Berlin is famous for all of its graffiti; in my opinion it looks even better as a backdrop.
One of the nights we stumbled into a more "gothic/emo" underground club. The main clothing dress-code was lots of leather and lots of black. As this isn't our typical scene, we were about to leave until something cool happened- a bunch of fire dancers came onto the stage! I have attached a video for reference :)